Heather Barrett, ND

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Place Category: Medical Ozone

  • Profile

    Dr. Barrett is a licensed naturopathic doctor who has always had a strong desire to be a healer. With a background in social work, psychology, and competitive sports, she first learned about naturopathic healing while volunteering at an AIDS orphanage in Africa in 2006.
    Dr. Barrett loves to travel! She has lived in four different countries and had visited over thirty countries by the age of 27 before pursuing her degree in naturopathic medicine.
    Having suffered from an undiagnosed severe gluten sensitivity until her late-twenties, Dr. Barrett has personal experience with a number of the symptoms that she is now passionate about balancing for her patients. Having lived with severe digestive complaints,  extreme adrenal fatigue, migraines, anxiety, and depression, as well as femoral acetabular impingement and hip dysplasia that resulted in the replacement of both of her hips, Dr. Barrett has cultivated a deep relationship with the naturopathic principles, genomic therapies, and the injection therapies that assisted in her own personal healing journey. She now finds great motivation and joy in being able to help others navigate their own individual paths toward health.
    Dr. Barrett has extensive experience with a variety of specialty treatments including the use of ozone, prolotherapy, prolozone, neural therapy, neuroprolotherapy, and IV therapies. She also had the privilege of receiving formal medical training in oncology by Dr. Neil McKinney, one of the leading naturopathic doctors in naturopathic oncology.  After graduating, she spent her first year working at Ocean Park Natural Therapies, a clinic that specialized in injury management before joining Synergy Natural Medicine Clinic in Monrovia, a very busy practice where she specialized in naturopathic oncology and gained an invaluable amount of experience in integrative cancer support, general practice, and IV therapies and ozone.

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